Welcome to Smartphone Picture of the Week! Each week, we select and share the best of your smartphone photography in an online feature here on our website, and on our social media. This week’s smartphone photograph is by Rachel Smith using an iPhone 13 Pro.
Rachel Smith, iPhone 13 Pro

“I was a smartphone photographer for many years before buying my first real camera in 2019. These days I mostly use my mirrorless camera, but on this day I was stuck in London for a few hours with only my iPhone 13 Pro smartphone, and decided to challenge myself to get some artistic shots of the City.
This view of St Paul’s has been shot so many times, so I wanted to try and do something a bit different and more creative. I’ve recently been teaching myself how to use Photoshop and learning more about multiple exposure photography, and I’ve been inspired by Pep Ventosa’s images and wanted to try something similar.
I used the Spectre slow shutter app to take the photo, which worked well as it was a windy day. I then edited it in Photoshop to achieve the final look.”
Social media:
Instagram: @rdsmithphotography
Submit your photos
Want the chance to feature here on our website and across our social media? All you have to do is share your smartphone photographs on social media with the tag #APSmartphonePicoftheWeek. You can also send in photographs to ap.ed@kelsey.co.uk with “Smartphone Pic of the Week” in the subject line.
iPhone vs Android: Which is better for photography? We’ve rounded up the best camera phones for photography and the best camera phones you can get on a budget here.
Read our smartphone reviews here: Smartphone Reviews
Find out how to take better smartphone photos
See more smartphone photography guides:
How to take amazing portraits on a smartphone
Black and white smartphone photography guide
How to take great macro photos on a smartphone
Best camera phone accessories 2023
11 best smartphone photography apps to download now
Best used smartphones to buy in 2023
Further reading:
Google Pixel 7 Pro – Smartphone Picture of the Week
iPhone 13 Pro Max – Smartphone Picture of the Week
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE – Smartphone Picture of the week
Samsung S21 Ultra – Smartphone Picture of the Week