Amateur Photographer (AP) teamed up with Fujifilm to host an AP x Instax photowalk in London on 27 July. Attendees got to shoot with their own Instax cameras as well as try a few different ones! Out of all the images taken, each person selected 1 photo to put forward to our small competition and we selected 3 winners and 5 shortlisted.

Rebecca Dilg won the top prize with her double exposure photo taken with her Instax SQ1, with Tatiana Dadukina and Evrim Aytas, who were both trying out Instax Wide 400 instant cameras, taking second place and third place. See the AP x Instax photowalk competition winners below!

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1st place – Rebecca Dilg

Photo taken with Instax SQ1 by Rebecca Dilg
Rebecca Dilg shows off her winning print. Photo: Jessica Miller.

2nd place – Tatiana Dadukina

Photo taken with Instax Wide 400 by Tatiana Dadukina
Tatiana Dadukina shows off her photo. Photo: Jessica Miller.

3rd place – Evrim Aytas

Photo taken with Instax Wide 400 by Evrim Aylas
Evrim Aylas shows off his photo. Photo: Jessica Miller.

Winners and shortlist

AP x Instax photowalk photo competition winners and shortlist
AP x Instax photowalk photo competition winners and shortlist. Photo: Jessica Miller.

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