The Samsung S22 Ultra was among the best smartphones released in 2022, if not the best. However, with prices starting at $1,199 / £1149, it was an expensive buy. But not anymore, with the release of the Samsung S23 Ultra earlier this year, the S22 Ultra has been on the market for some time and has seen a price drop. It can currently be bought for only around $600 / £600 secondhand, around half its original price.

In our review of the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra we said ‘With four lenses to choose from, it’s incredibly flexible, with excellent results produced by three out of the four, and good, usable results from the longest telephoto lens…Video also performs well, with the best results seen when shooting either in 4K or Full HD with image stabilisation switched on if you’re recording something while moving / walking.’

When comparing the Samsung S23 Ultra vs Samsung S22 Ultra we found that ‘With the S23 Ultra only offering a fairly restricted upgrade over the S22 Ultra, there’s not a huge amount here to recommend it over the older model. If you’ve already got an S22 Ultra, you might find that you’re better off keeping it until it the next generation if you want to see a bigger leap forward.’

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