Welcome to Smartphone Picture of the Week! Each week, we select and share the best of your smartphone photography in an online feature here on our website, and on our social media. This week’s smartphone photograph is by Tomasz Stawinski using a Samsung Galaxy S21.
Tomasz Stawinski, Samsung Galaxy S21

‘I’m an enthusiast photographer based in Norfolk. Photography became my hobby at the beginning of 2020 and it was probably related to the amount of spare time I had during the first lockdown in the UK. I photograph mainly landscapes, but I also enjoy more intimate, sometimes abstract scenes. I definitely prefer sunrises over sunsets.
This photo was taken during a camping trip to North Wales I had with my partner and our friends at the beginning of June this year. I’ve visited Ynys Llanddwyn a couple of times before so this time I was sort of a tour guide for my friends who have never been to this part of the UK. Because it wasn’t a photography trip I left my normal camera at home.
However, seeing that conditions during our visit to Anglesey were so good I had to capture them in the photo. Luckily my smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S21, is capable of doing good photos as well. Quick edit in Lightroom, and you can see the result above. I’ve photographed a few classic compositions on that day but this one is slightly different. Although many people might recognize that cross straight away.’
Instagram: @bro.neq. I also have a website www.broneq.com, but it’s under construction at the moment.
Want the chance to be featured here on our website and across our social media? All you have to do is share your photographs taken on a smartphone on social media tagging #APSmartphonePicoftheWeek. You can also send in photographs to ap.ed@kelsey.co.uk with “Smartphone Pic of the Week” in the subject line.
Read our smartphone reviews here: Smartphone Reviews
Find out how to take better smartphone photos
How to take great macro photos on a smartphone
Further reading:
Smartphone Picture of the Week – Samsung Galaxy A53
Smartphone Picture of the Week – iPhone 13 Pro Max
Smartphone Picture of the Week – Samsung Galaxy S20