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General Election 2015 Photo Highlights
As the campaigns heat up and sporadically attended TV debates draw to a close, take a look at some of the most interesting and memorable photographs from the 2015 UK General Election. Features Nigel Farage being left out of a group handshake, which is always enjoyable. [The Guardian]

Physical Graphiti: Impossibly meticulous photography by Andrew Myers
This simple and striking graphic studio work from Andrew Myers demands your attention. It seems digital, created in software surely? Nope – his account of the process is a great read. [Medium/Vantage]

“I developed a roll of film that I believe is from the Korean war!”
korea filmA Reddit user who bought a box of film and developed the content has discovered a series of snaps that look to have been taken in wartime South Korea! Some incredible detective workis continuing over on the thread at the moment, it’s well worth a look. [Reddit]

I Hardly Know Her: A minimalist Flickr viewer
This is a cool way to display your Flickr images – a minimalist viewer that strips out all the furniture and leaves just a simple, streamlined alternative. Simply stick your handle on the end of the URL and see for yourself – here’s an example. [I Hardly Know Her]

A Ryanair steward stole a passenger’s camera and tried to sell it on eBay
Luckily, the camera-owner caught him in the act and shut him down. [Metro]

Podo – The First Stick and Shoot Camera


Podo Labs

It’s not entriely clear whether we needed a camera to challenge the dominance of the selfie stick, but we got one anyway thanks to a vastly overfunded Kickstarter. The Podo is a stick-to-the-wall camera that you can control with your phone, and you’ve still got a few days before funding ends if that sounds like something that appeals. [Kickstarter]

See how virtual reality could be the future of photojournalism
The Enemy, an experience on show at the Tribeca Film Festival by Karim Ben Khelifa, uses Oculus Rift virtual reality to put viewers in the thick of conflict between Israel and Palestine. Could this be where photojournalism is heading? It’s an interesting thought. [Time Lightbox]

Making airport security sexy and chic in smart editorial photography
Whether Severa Frahm delivers on the lofty promise is perhaps debateable, but this is certainly a novel use for fashion photography. [It’s Nice That]

Historical portraits of artists with their cats
Oh, like you even need a reason to click this. [FeatureShoot]