Welcome to this week’s Smartphone Picture of the Week, our online feature showcasing the best of your smartphone photography. Each week, we select and share favourite smartphone photograph taken by our online followers.
Jonathan Rogers
This week’s photograph is by Johnathan Rogers, taken using a Sony Xperia 1 III.
Reflections of Autumn

“I’m a 26 year old hobbyist photographer, who mainly focuses on Wildlife and Landscape images. My kit bag consists of Lumix S5 & G9 bodies, along with big telephoto lenses, wide angles and my Sony Xperia 1 III, which lives in my pocket! I use photography as a way of healing, it helps me to reflect on life and feel more at ease, while also helping with my anxieties.
I took this image during an evening walk in mid October. The image was taken on my local canal in Wendover, Buckinghamshire. The light was absolutely stunning for the time of year and golden hour certainly lived up to it’s name. Teaming the gorgeous light with the fantastic colours in the trees and fallen leaves, I just knew I had to capture that image.
Taking out my Xperia 1 III, I dialed in my settings to capture the light just right. Using Lightroom on my phone, I did a very brief and simple edit to enhance the scene.”
Instagram: @alternative_media_photography
Facebook: @alternative.media.photography
Want the chance to be featured here on our website and across our social media? All you have to do is share your photographs taken on a smartphone on social media tagging #APSmartphonePicoftheWeek. You can also send in photographs to ap.ed@kelsey.co.uk with “Smartphone Pic of the Week” in the subject line.
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