Welcome to this week’s Smartphone Picture of the Week, our online feature showcasing the best of your smartphone photography. Each week, we select and share favourite smartphone photograph taken by our online followers.
Mireia Norberto
This week’s photograph is by Mireia Norberto, taken using an iPhone 12.

“I am an amateur photographer who started a few years ago as a hobby, using a Canon EOS 700D and also an iPhone.
Two years ago I changed my camera and I moved to a full frame one, the Canon EOS 6D Mark II. At that moment I also got more focused on B&W photos. I have also changed my iPhone to iPhone12.
I am settled in Spain, close to Barcelona and I am 50 years old. I am Computer Science Engineer and I work in multinational company as Director in one IT department. The picture was taken while I was walking with my daughter and my mum in Vic (Barcelona), a city 65km far from Barcelona.”
Instagram: @mireia.norberto
Want the chance to be featured here on our website and across our social media? All you have to do is share your photographs taken on a smartphone on social media tagging #APSmartphonePicoftheWeek. You can also send in photographs to ap.ed@kelsey.co.uk with “Smartphone Pic of the Week” in the subject line.
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