Now in its sixth edition, Minimalist Photography Awards have revealed the Minimalist Photographer of the Year winner! Selected from more than 3,400 submissions, Eva Chuplikova has won this year’s competition with her series of minimal portraits entitled Anna, which draws inspiration from the Renaissance.

Minimalist Photographer of the Year: Anna by Eva Chupikova

Minimalist Photographer of the Year, Anna by Eva Chupikova minimal black and white portrait of woman in veil
Minimalist Photographer of the Year, Anna by Eva Chupikova

Anna draws inspiration from the Renaissance, a period that celebrated the revival of classical artistic values and principles like harmony and proportion. Garments of that era were designed with intricate patterns, rich fabrics, and luxurious embellishments to symbolize wealth and social status. In our contemporary world, garments are manufactured with cheap labor at low cost to maximize profits. The result thereof is that we are engulfed in material excess and overwhelmed by visual and information stimuli.

Minimalist Photographer of the Year, Anna by Eva Chupikova minimal black and white portrait of woman in veil
Minimalist Photographer of the Year, Anna by Eva Chupikova

Materialism is the “new” symbolism of wealth and social status. In all this chaos, we yearn for a new sense of conformity and balance with our environment and ourselves. Whilst Anna conceptually is influenced by the Renaissance era, Anna’s vision is rooted in a more minimalist concept that eliminates the unnecessary, focusing solely on the essential – finding ‘beauty’ in simplicity.’

Minimalist Photographer of the Year, Anna by Eva Chupikova
Minimalist Photographer of the Year, Anna by Eva Chupikova

From Minimalist Photography Awards: The Minimalist Photography Awards is excited to reveal the winners of its sixth edition. With more than 3,400 submissions from talented photographers worldwide, this year’s awards have showcased an extraordinary level of creativity and skill in minimalist photography.

Eva Chupikova has been named Minimalist Photographer of the Year for her compelling photo series titled “Anna.” Her series exemplifies the core values of minimalist photography, demonstrating how the art of simplicity can produce deeply moving and visually stunning results.” Eva Chupikova has been awarded the Grand Prize of $2,000 for this exceptional series.

The Minimalist Photography Awards is a significant competition dedicated to celebrating the art of minimalist photography. It aims to recognize and honor exceptional artists working within this genre on a global scale. Organized by Black & White Minimalism Magazine, the awards stand as a testament to the magazine’s commitment to promoting and showcasing minimalist photography.

Waterworld (Oil & Water Studies)

Part of the search for balance and harmony with elements purported not mix. Created using in-camera double exposure.
Third place, Abstract category, Waterworld (Oil & Water Studies) by Beth Buelow

The sixth edition of the Minimalist Photography Awards featured 12 categories, judged by a distinguished panel of industry experts:

Ute Noll – Owner & Director of Uno Art Space
David Burdeny – Professional Photographer
Kathrin Koehler – Owner & Director of Immagis Gallery
Judith Peyrat – Director of Baudoin Lebon Gallery
Milad Safabakhsh – President of Minimalist Photography Awards

Milad Safabakhsh, President of the Minimalist Photography Awards, shared his thoughts on the winners: “These award-winning images invite viewers to pause, reflect, and appreciate the subtle nuances of the minimalist aesthetic.”

The winning entries, along with all the remarkable submissions, are featured on the Minimalist Photography Awards website. Visit to explore the full range of award-winning work and learn more about this year’s competition.

The Minimalist Photography Awards extends its deepest gratitude to all participants and supporters. Your enthusiasm and dedication to the art of minimalism continue to drive the success of this annual event.

Aerial category winner, Winter Drawings by Yevhen Samuchenko
Aerial category winner, Winter Drawings by Yevhen Samuchenko

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