‘Tomas and Lorenco’ © Peter Zelewski
The RPS is calling for any last-minute entries into their International Photography Exhibition (IPE) for this year, as the deadline approaches tonight. Interested photographers will have until midnight to submit their images online to be entered into the competition.
This year marks the 160th edition of the IPE, making it the longest running photographic exhibition of its kind in the world. Each year it aims to provide a fascinating insight into the range and diversity of contemporary and traditional photography.
Entry is open to all, across any genre. Photographers can enter their images at rps.org/ipe160 – up to four images can be submitted, either from a series or as individual pictures, at a cost of £30 for non-RPS members, £20 for members and £15 for under-30s. Selected shortlist photographers will receive awards and cash prizes, as well as being part of a large-scale nationwide touring exhibition, opening at Photoblock London. More information about the RPS can be found at their website.

‘Young Cowboys’ © Brett Erikson

‘The Shadows of Love’ © William Grob