The Darkroom & Instant Imaging Workshop Day takes place at the University of Westminster, Harrow Campus, London HA1 3TP. The workshop will be hosted by Ilford Master Printer Stuart Keegan. The course costs £18 for non-RPS members and £12 for members. For full details and to book visit–instant-imaging-day.
Darkroom & Instant Imaging Workshop Day
Saturday 27th June 2015 10:00-16:45
The University of Westminster, Harrow Campus, HA1 3TP.
A practical day for participants to engage in a Darkroom spilt-grade printing workshop with Stuart Keegan (Ilford Master Printer) and to explore Instant Imaging featuring Impossible 10×8 and emulsion lift workshop with Keyphoto.
Stuart’s introductory talk and session is intended to give a little insight into his ‘Print map’ workflow and how it works with his split-grade printing technique.
These skills have been applied professionally for three decades. Stuart has arranged with Ilford for all the materials to be supplied on the day (which on the full-day sessions include Fibre-based papers.)
In this short session, resin-coated papers will be used. Stuart has worked with some of our greatest photographers and artists recently producing 6’x4’ Fibre based prints, which won the Rose award at the Royal Academy, for artists Harvey & Ackroyd.
Participants will get to learn Stuart’s technique and print their own negatives in the University’s darkrooms – 35mm, 120 and 5×4 formats are usable with their Durst enlargers.
This workshop is for mixed ability or experienced darkroom printers alike. Keyphoto’s Instant photography: making unique pictures workshop covers the history, ideas, images and uses of instant films and the process of emulsion lifts; featuring Impossible films and cameras, Fuji peel-apart emulsions for use in medium format cameras and Impossible’s 10x8in film.
The workshop will be supported by industry manufacturers supplying all materials. Participants will get to use Polariod type 600 cameras and perform emulsion lifts.
There will be a demonstration of Impossible Project’s 10×8 instant film, Fuji peel apart film and Fuji Instax material and printer.
Results can then be scanned to facilitate cross-processing or other post production techniques to produce Hybrid printing processes.