Clipchamp, a free video editing software, will replace Windows Photo Editor, which was both a photo and video editor as a dedicated video editing app on Windows 11 devices. There is also a new Windows Photos app.

Clipchamp is now pre-installed on Windows 11 devices but Windows 10 users can get it too. All you need to do is download the app from the Microsoft store. The free version allows you to export video at up to 1080p (HD) resolution and can access free audio, image and video stock as well as use free filters and effects.

According to Microsoft, Clipchamp has multitrack editing capabilities, meaning it allows users to do everything they need to do, from editing audio, video, text and more, all without leaving Clipchamp. This includes tools in the app that allow you to record your computer screen (and edit that footage) as well as a built-in media library to browse through. Clipchamp additionally has watermark-free exports and a built-in AI auto assembly feature that is said to offer editing suggestions.

There is also a subscription option available and for $11.99 per month or 119.99 per year, you can export video at up to to 4K (UHD) resolution and have access to  premium audio, image and video stock, premium filters and effects, brand kit designs and content back-up.

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