Shot by Alastair B. in The Cairngorms, Scotland

Filling the frame with the subject can help the viewer focus on its details — like the texture of the reindeer’s fur and antlers

After sifting through tens of thousands of images across the globe, Apple centred on photos captured by 77 individuals. The people behind them come from a range of backgrounds, ages, professions and with differing photographic experience.

Their photos are set to feature on billboards and in print advertising in 70 cities across 24 countries as part of an Apple campaign to celebrate iPhone users’ creativity.

Here are a few of the best photos in their full glory, along with some of the techniques used to create them.

To view more, visit the Apple World Gallery

037_h.ahmed.webShot by Hattan A. in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Focusing on the patterns in a scene, like the one created by this hallway, can produce a striking element of visual interest. Apps used: VSCO Cam®

044_j.marbel.web Shot by Jimmy M. in Berlin, Germany

Different elements that share a similar color palette, like the blues of the tile and the winter hat, can help tie a composition together. Apps used: Snapseed, VSCO Cam®

014_b.o se.web

Shot by Brendan Ó in Copenhagen, Denmark

Shooting from an unexpected angle can add an interesting twist. Here, it creates contours in the lines that convey a sense of movement to the viewer. Apps used: Snapseed


Shot by Frederic K in Pamplona, Spain

Shooting from an upward angle in a narrow passage creates an intriguing perspective. In this photo, the angle captures not only the buildings’ looming presence but also a soft strip of sky that illuminates them.