We showcase the winning Sony World Photography Awards 2016 entries across many of the different categories, announced last week, is the world’s largest photography competition, recognising and showcasing the best photographic talent across all levels, genres and areas of expertise. An exhibition of the winning entries is currently underway at Somerset House, London. However, for those who can’t make it, below we showcase the winning entries across many of the different categories.
See the SWPA site for more detals about the awards.
Open Photographer of the Year winner
The Open Photographer of the Year competition of the year asks photographers to enter a single image, capturing a unique and individual moment in time. The winner also recieves $5,000 (USD).
Image Name: Enchanted Bamboo Forest
Photographer Name: Kei Nomiyama
Image Description: The season of a firefly comes around in Japan at the beginning of a rainy season. This firefly is a species called Luciola parvula, and repeats blink. [Hime-HOTARU] Call a firefly in Japan. This species flies in the beautiful forest. In particular, the firefly in bamboo forest is valuable. The population of these firefly decreases every year in Japan. These may be influence by environmental destruction. This picture was taken under a little moonlight.

Enchanted Bamboo Forest
Copyright: Kei Nomiyama, Japan, Open Photographer of the Year, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
Youth Photographer of the Year winner
The Youth Photographer of the Year competition recognises this next generation of talented young photographers. The competition provides a global platform on which photographers can grow and flourish into the next stages of their careers.
Image Name: Sarah
Photographer Name: Sam Delaware
Image Description: Sarah, my sister, December 28th, 2015.
After moving to a university across the country, I understood that Iíd miss my family; my mother and father, and especially my sister. Like so many millions of other young adults around me, I left my family and my home this year for the first time, and in an instant, they were no longer a daily part of my life. I wanted to somehow speak to the mixed feelings I was experiencing; excitement, for the life I was about to begin, and nostalgia, for the one I was leaving behind. Traveling back to Maine for a short time allowed me to create this somewhat spontaneous image of my sister, giving me the opportunity to express this change in the best way I knew how.

Copyright: © Sam Delaware, United States, Youth Photographer of the Year, 2016 SWPA
Student Focus Photographer of the Year award winner
Photographer Name: Sofia Jern
Series Name: The Glue Boys
Series Description: “Some of us came into this world trough the back door. Our lives are in stark contrast, yet we see the same stars. We are not so different after all”. These are the words from one of the glue boys in the streets of Kitale in Kenya. Happiness, sorrow and hope are all proportional to our own environment. At the garbage tip in Kitale many children spend their days looking for food. Some of them may have a mother or father that is incapable of taking care of them and some may be orphans. During the cold nights a lot of them sleep under a piece of plastic. In order to forget about the hunger and chilly winds at night they turn to glue, which they inhale in order to forget. Their world is very different from mine and they have to grow up too fast and learn how to survive in a harsh world.

Copyright: Sofia Jern, Finland, Novia University of Applied Sciences, winner, Student Focus, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Copyright: Sofia Jern, Finland, Novia University of Applied Sciences, winner, Student Focus, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
Outstanding Contribution to Photography Award 2016 winners
The Outstanding Contribution to Photography award went to the artistic duo RongRong & inri, the influential photographic husband and wife team who have shaped contemporary photography in China and around the world.

RongRong & inri

Untitled, 2008 No.25
Copyright: RongRong & inri

In the Great Wall.China.2000.No.3
Copyright: RongRong & inri

Liulitun, Beijing 2003 No.1
Copyright: RongRong & inri
Professional competition winners
The Professional competition is devided into 14 categories: Architecture, Landscape, Campaign, Contemporary Issues, Current Affairs, Daily Life, Environment, Candid, Conceptual, Portraiture, Staged, Still life, People, and Sport.
This year’s edition attracted 127,098 images from around the world.
Architecture winner
Photographer Name: Amélie Labourdette, Winner
Series Name: Empire of dust
Series Description: Amélie Labourdette interrogates the invisible landscape, the blurred zone of concern located below the visible landscape. The ‘Empire of Dust’ series of photographs was taken in the south of Italy, where financial crises and embezzlement have created an architectural aesthetic of incompleteness. Using an ‘archaeology of the present’ she both reflects contemporary history by the yardstick of these unfinished architectures, and involves the viewer’s imagination so that a new view of the world unfolds. In front of these images, we become archaeologists of our time, able to look back at our present and see our future too.

Empire of dust # 04, Giare, Sicilie
Copyright: Amélie Labourdette, France, Winner, Professional, Architecture, 2016 SWPA

Empire of dust # 18, Palerme, Sicile
Copyright: Amélie Labourdette, France, Winner, Professional, Architecture, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
Landscape winner
Photographer Name: Maroesjka Lavigne, Winner
Series Name: Land of Nothingness
Series Description: Named for its desert, Namibia is one of the least densely populated places on earth, visually defined by rich colours in a barren, yet constantly changing landscape; the vast brown plain of scorched earth, the white surface of the saltpans, the gold tones of the sand dunes. Patience is required to discover Namibiaís subtle scenery. Hours of driving reveal more emptiness; the sight of other people is rare and only the strategically located gas stations are a reminder of the world beyond.

Copyright: Maroesjka Lavigne, Belgium, Winner, Professional, Landscape, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Copyright: Maroesjka Lavigne, Belgium, Winner, Professional, Landscape, 2016 SWPA
Campaign winner
Photographer Name: Jetmir Idrizi, Winner
Series Name: TransBrasil
Series Description: TransBrasil is an ongoing project, which aims to deepen gender identities issues from documentary photography perspective. It proposes to approach different social and cultural expressions that question the binary schemes masculine/feminine to understand the gender and identity process. Also, this project pursuit thinks about the possibility of multiples identities. For that reason, the proposal adopt the transgender concept, understanding the trans as a dynamic space without fix tags; as a border with an identity traffic which enable plurality and freedom to choose who each person wants to be, creating a gender hybridity. Transgender people express their gender identities in many different ways.

Copyright: Jetmir Idrizi, Kosovo, Winner, Professional, Campaign, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Copyright: Jetmir Idrizi, Kosovo, Winner, Professional, Campaign, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
Contemporary Issues winner
Photographer Name: Asghar Khamseh, Winner
Series Name: Fire of Hatred
Series Description: The violent act of acid throwing is primarily against women and children. These attacks are committed with the intent to disfigure, maim and destroy the social life and future of the victim. The motivation to commit this type of violence is cultural destitution, intolerance and happens in situations such as family conflicts, rejected marriage proposal, revenge and divorce requests. Victims In addition physical and psychological damages, victims are faced with the experience of social stigma ,blame and social unpleasant tags.

The violent act of acid throwing is primarily against women and children. These attacks are committed with the intent to disfigure, maim and destroy the social life and future of the victim. The motivation to commit this type of violence is cultural destitution, intolerance and happens in situations such as family conflicts, rejected marriage proposal, revenge and divorce requests. Victims In addition physical and psychological damages, victims are faced with the experience of social stigma ,blame and social unpleasant tags.
Copyright: Asghar Khamseh, Iran, Photographer of the Year, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Mohsen Mortazavi a 34-year-old resident of Tehran. On the first day of work in 2012, his co-worker welcomed him with 3 litres of sulphuric acid and knifed him 16 times in revenge for making prank calls, that were actually made by someone else. Mohsen lost his beauty, right eye, head skin and right ear eardrum and auricle. He had many operations and still needs to have more.
Copyright: Asghar Khamseh, Iran, Photographer of the Year, 2016 SWPA
Current Affairs winner
Photographer Name: Angelos Tzortzinis, Winner
Series Name: In search of the European Dream
Series Description: Migration to Europe has increased over the past years, mainly because of political and social turmoil in the Middle East. During the recent years, Greece has been the path for thousands refugees and migrants for their crossing from Turkey to Greece and other European countries. The main places of entrance are the islands of Kos and Lesbos by sea. Greek government, in an effort to minimize the wave of refugees entering the country has built an 8-mile long and 8-feet high barbed-wire wall at the main entrance point at its north eastern borderline with Turkey. This caused a huge wave of refugees and migrants trying to enter the country by the Aegean Sea. For many, it is their first encounter with the sea. Hundreds have lost their lives in their attempt to reach the European Union, man hoping to reunite with long-lost friends and family. At the time I write this text, millions of refugees and migrants wait in Turkey to cross the sea border for a better life.

Image Name: In search of the European Dream
Photographer Name: Angelos Tzortzinis, Winner
Image Description: An Afghan refugee carries his child as he arrives along with other refugees on a beach on the Greek island of Kos, after crossing a part of the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece, on May 27, 2015.
Copyright: Angelos Tzortzinis, Greece, Winner, Professional, Current Affairs, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards/ AFP

Image Name: In Search of the European Dream
Photographer Name: Angelos Tzortzinis, Winner
Image Description: Doctors and paramedics try to recover a baby after a boat with refugees and migrants sunk while attempting to reach the Greek island of Lesbos from Turkey, on October 28, 2015. At least five migrants including three children, died on October 28, 2015 Copyright: Angelos Tzortzinis, Greece, Winner, Professional, Current Affairs, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards/ AFP
Daily Life winner
Photographer Name: Espen Rasmussen, Winner
Series Name: The Curse of Coal
Series Description: Coal used to be the gold of West Virginia, US. But then Obama came and so did new environmental regulations. Together with lower price on coal, it led to huge redundancies and the coal became a curse for many of the coal-cities in West Virginia. In 1940, 140,000 people worked in the mountains, today only about 15,000 are left in the coal business. Towns like Beckley and Mullens do not have many other sources of income. Drugs, pills, alcohol and violence is dominant in many places, and young people are struggling to find work, forcing many to move.

Chelse (21) together with her boyfriend Eric and Alvin in her mother’s trailer close to Beckley, West Virginia. They smoke OxyContin painkillers before going out for a party on Halloween. With more than 500 people dying of overdose every year, West Virginia is the number one pill state in the US.
Copyright: Espen Rasmussen, Norway, Winner, Professional, Daily Life, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards/ VG / Panos Pictures

Outside Mullens in West Virginia, miners are changing after their work shift. Some months later they lost their jobs when the mine closed.
Copyright: Espen Rasmussen, Norway, Winner, Professional, Daily Life, 2016 SWPA / VG / Panos Pictures
Environment winner
Photographer Name: Kevin Frayer, Winner
Series Name: Eagle Hunters of Western China
Series Description: The Eagle Hunting festival, organised by the local hunting community, is part of an effort to promote and grow traditional hunting practices for new generations in the mountainous region of western China that borders Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia. The training and handling of the large birds of prey follows a strict set of ancient rules that Kazakh eagle hunters are preserving for future generations.

Copyright: Kevin Frayer, Canada, Winner, Professional, Environment, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Copyright: Kevin Frayer, Canada, Winner, Professional, Environment, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
Candid winner
Photographer Name: Kirstin Schmitt, WinnerSeries Name: Waiting For the Candymen
Series Name: Migrant Tomatoes
Series Description: The series Waiting For the Candymen is study of Cuban idiosyncrasy; an allegory of waiting: Waiting the right moment, waiting for tomorrow, waiting for something or someone who brings redemption maybe!

Copyright: Kirstin Schmitt, Germany, Winner, Professional,Candid, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Swoon or Scoliosis
Copyright: Kirstin Schmitt, Germany, Winner, Professional,Candid, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
Conceptual winner
Photographer Name: Julien Mauve, Winner
Series Name: Greetings From Mars
Series Description: This project is about space exploration and discovery, but it’s also about our behaviour in front of landscapes and how we create pictures that will share our personal story with the world. In every spots, carefully chosen for their similarities with the red planet, the photographer imitated stereotypical tourist poses. It’s interesting to observe the way we act in front of the camera, how we include ourselves in the landscapes, how those landscapes trigger the desire to affirm our presence. And how the way we take pictures exposes the vanity involved in our endless pursuit of self-definition.

Copyright: Julien Mauve, France, Winner, Professional, Conceptual, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Copyright: Julien Mauve, France, Winner, Professional, Conceptual, 2016 SWPA
Portraiture winner
Photographer Name: Marcello Bonfanti, Winner
Series Name: Ebola Survivors
Series Description: The most widespread epidemic of Ebola virus disease in Sierra Leone ended the 7th October 2015 with 14,122 cases and 3,955 deaths. That required the complex and brave intervention of international NGOs in the attempt to fight the virus. The Italian NGO Emergency ran an Ebola treatment center built by DFEED. Thanks to the medical care of Emergency, the survivors were able to start a new life. They returned to life finding their families partly or totally killed by the virus.

Copyright: Marcello Bonfanti, Italy, Winner, Professional, Portraiture, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Copyright: Marcello Bonfanti, Italy, Winner, Professional, Portraiture, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
Staged winner
Photographer Name: Alberto Alicata, Winner
Series Name: Iconic B
Series Description: In this project, Alberto Alicata re-examines some of photography’s most iconic images using that icon of contemporary Western culture, Barbie. Restaging shots by such luminaries as Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, Guy Bourdin, David Lachapelle and Mario Testino on sets designed in proportion with Barbie, the obsessively detailed productions invite playfulness into images that are some of the most imitated, idolised, collected and studied in history. A new dimension is created, enriching our visual memory with new images and surfacing unexpected suggestions.

Copyright: Alberto Alicata, Italy, Winner, Professional, Staged, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards/ Sie Photography

Copyright: Alberto Alicata, Italy, Winner, Professional, Staged, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards/ Sie Photography
Still life winner
Photographer Name: Francesco Amorosino, Winner
Series Name: Migrant Tomatoes
Series Description: Once a year Italian families make tomato sauce at home, cooking and canning a huge amount of vegetables. Tons of tomatoes are grown in the fields of the South of the country and harvested by about 19,000 labourers, paid 1 or 2 euros for each filled box. Only in 2015 there were 13 deaths at work in the fields because of high temperatures. Many of those involved in the harvest are immigrants. On the tomatoes, still dirty with soil, bought by my family to make the sauce, I saw the fingerprints of those who had harvested them, I imagined their stories, the hours spent in the sun, the hope, the desire to work. Since then, I haven’t watched the sauce with the same eyes.

Copyright: Francesco Amorosino, Italy, Winner, Professional , Still Life, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards/Luz Photo Agency

Copyright: Francesco Amorosino, Italy, Winner, Professional , Still Life, 2016 SWPA /Luz Photo Agency
People winner
Photographer Name: Kevin Frayer, Winner
Series Name: Nomadic Life Threatened on the Tibetan Plateau
Series Description: Tibetan nomads face many challenges to their traditional way of life including political pressures, forced resettlement by China’s government, climate change and rapid modernization. The Tibetan Plateau, often called “the Roof of the World,” is the world’s highest and largest plateau.

Copyright: Kevin Frayer, Canada, Winner, Professional, People, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Copyright: Kevin Frayer, Canada, Winner, Professional, People, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
Sport winner
Photographer Name: Nikolai Linares, Winner
Series Name: Second Best
Series Description: Portraits of the silver medal winners just after loosing their final at the Zealand boxing Championships held in Copenhagen in March.

Copyright: Nikolai Linares, Denmark, Winner, Professional , Sport, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Copyright: Nikolai Linares, Denmark, Winner, Professional , Sport, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
L’iris d’Or / Photographer of the Year
The L’Iris d’Or Photographer of the Year prize winner is chosen each year from among the first place winners of all the Professional categories.
The L’iris d’Or / Photographer of the Year and $25,000 prize goes to Iranian photographer Asghar Khamseh, whose Fire of Hatred series shows victims of acid attacks.
Her images are both shocking and striking, portraying in full details of the terrible injuries suffered by her subjects, in such a sensitive way to allow the humanity of the subjects to shine through.

Mohsen Mortazavi a 34-year-old resident of Tehran. On the first day of work in 2012, his co-worker welcomed him with 3 litres of sulphuric acid and knifed him 16 times in revenge for making prank calls, that were actually made by someone else. Mohsen lost his beauty, right eye, head skin and right ear eardrum and auricle. He had many operations and still needs to have more.
Copyright: Asghar Khamseh, Iran, Photographer of the Year, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

The violent act of acid throwing is primarily against women and children. These attacks are committed with the intent to disfigure, maim and destroy the social life and future of the victim. The motivation to commit this type of violence is cultural destitution, intolerance and happens in situations such as family conflicts, rejected marriage proposal, revenge and divorce requests. Victims In addition physical and psychological damages, victims are faced with the experience of social stigma ,blame and social unpleasant tags.
Copyright: Asghar Khamseh, Iran, Photographer of the Year, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
National Awards winners
Now in its 4th year, the National Award programme works across 61 countries, from Australia to Argentina, Russia to Vietnam, and is unique in its scope and reach. See the first place winners for each country below.

Image Name: Too much practice.
Copyright: Khairel Anuar Che Ani, Winner, Malaysia, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Enchanted Bamboo Forest
Copyright: Kei Nomiyama, Winner, Japan, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Routine Morning of Beauty Country
Copyright: Kyaw Bo Bo Han, Winner, Myanmar, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Fighting Topis
Copyright: Arnfinn Johansen, Winner, Norway, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Dancing with stars
Copyright: Imre Potyo, Winner, Hungary, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Hobo in the shadows
Copyright: Jacob Jepsen, Winner, Denmark & Iceland, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Megacerus Beetle From the botanical Garden “Roger Orellana”
Copyright: Silvia Andrade, Winner, Mexico, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Water from under
Copyright: Nils Olof Wendel, Winner, Sweden, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Late Afternoon Fight
Copyright: Max van Son, Winner, Netherlands, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: New Hights
Copyright: Miriam Strong, Winner, New Zealand, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Smile at the heavens
Copyright: Otieno Nyadimo, Winner, Kenya, National Award, 2016, SWPA

Image Name: Cold hats
Copyright: Andrei Reinol, Winner, Estonia, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Don’t Even Try
Copyright: Gabriel Solis Carmona, Winner,Central America, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Mushrooms
Copyright: Matti Virtanen, Winner, Finland, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Snow-white and Rose-red
Copyright: Ivan Kavaldzhiev, 1st Place, Bulgaria National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Break Through
Copyright: Hady Geneidi, Winner, Egypt, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Lighting dream
Copyright: Minh Thanh Ngo, Winner, Vietnam, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Supercell in Latvia
Copyright: Janis Palulis, Winner, Latvia, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: I grew up in Svencionys town
Copyright: Darius Jakubauskas, Winner, Lithuania, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Magellanic penguins at risk Climate Change
Copyright: Christian Massari, Winner, Italy, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Standing With Pelicans
Copyright: Elie Kauffmann, Winner, France, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Wonderland
Copyright: Changhun Lee, Winner, Korea, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Daniel Fleischhacker
Copyright: Daniel Fleischhacker, Winner, Germany, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Planned obsolescence
Copyright: Pedro Diaz Molins, Winner, Spain, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Splashing Birds
Copyright: Chaiyot Chanyam, Winner, Thailand, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Cock Fight
Copyright: Burak Senbak, Winner, Turkey, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Streets of Israel
Copyright: Igor Leonidovic, Winner, Ukraine, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Church on the fields of Soröko polje
Copyright: Andrej Tarfila, Winner, Slovenia, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Radiance
Copyright: Martin Rak, Winner, Czech Republic, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Falling Kickboxer
Copyright: Mark Fulinara, USA, Winner, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Passing By Copyright: Peter Svoboda, Winner, Slovakia, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Travelling for Klenak
Copyright: Djani Bardoti, Winner, Serbia, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Wintertraum / Winter dream
Copyright: Stefan Thaler, Winner, Austria, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Purple flashes
Copyright: Eduardo Minte Hess, Winner, Chile, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Momentum
Copyright: Yessenia Mildreth Vasquez López, Winner, Colombia, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Cotopaxi and Red Moon
Copyright: © Victor Vargas, Ecuador, 1st, Place, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Sailor in the Spotlight, New Orleans LA, April 2015
Copyright: Kathryn Mussallem, Winner, Canada, National Award, 2016, Sony, World, Photography, Awards

Image Name: Sweet Sea
Copyright: Fabiola Morales, Winner, Puerto Rico, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Nation Acomayo
Copyright: Jose Alberto Sotomayor Jimenez, Winner, Peru,National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Lyon Saint Exupéry
Copyright: Enzo Caraballo, Winner, Venezuela, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Fly into the Sunset Copyright: Eric Madeja, Winner, Switzerland, National Award, 2016 Sony World Photography Awards

Image Name: Kingfisher in action
Copyright: Petar Sabol, Winner, Croatia, National Award, 2016, SWPA

Image Name: Dog City
Copyright: Manex Sungahid, Winner, Philippines, National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Teshima Window
Copyright: Bartosz Haduch, Winner, Poland, National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Eden’s Garden
Copyright: Adriano Neves, Winner, Portugal, National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Sea Baby
Copyright: Andrey Narchuk, Winner, Russia, National Award, 2016, SWPA

Image Name: In Depth
Copyright: Cristina Venedict, Winner, Romania, National Award, 2016, SWPA

Image Name: Spin Fun
Copyright: Kajan Madrasmail, Singapore, Winner, National Award, 2016, SWPA

Image Name: Conceptual
Copyright: Maria Virginia Mosconi, Argentina, Winner, National Award, 2016, SWPA

Image Name: Snowing Heavily
Copyright: Longxiang Xie, 1st Place, China National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Gangasagar Fair
Copyright: Abhijit Banerjee, 1st Place, India National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Playing football of Kara Tribe
Copyright: John Hantoro Pudjoko, 1st Place, Indonesia National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Monlam, Taktsang Lhamo
Copyright: Christopher Roche, 1st Place, Ireland National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Cloud Gruidae
Copyright: Wang Tai Ran (Steiner Wang) Winner, Taiwan, National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Vesturhorn, Iceland
Copyright: Tasos Anestis , Winner, Greece, National Award, 2016, SWPA

Image Name: Playing in Dusty Dusk
Copyright: MD Tanveer Rohan, Winner, Bangladesh, National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: The Stairway to Hell
Copyright: Tino Solomon, Winner, UK, National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Childhood
Copyright: Ho Wing Ka Jimmi, Winner, Hong Kong, National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Bataille díepaulettes (Battle of epaulettes)
Copyright: Olympe Tits, 1st Place, Belgium National Award, 2016 SWPA

Image Name: Cuttlefish Aggregation
Copyright: Scott Portelli, 1st Place, Australia National Award, 2016 SWPA
Sony World Photography Awards | World Photography Organisation