Keen rugged-landscape and night photographer, Matt Holland, reveals why he moved to Olympus mirrorless systems – as we will see, he wanted to lighten his camera bag while maintaining quality.

When did you move to mirrorless from DSLRs?
I moved to Olympus in 2018 and purchased the E-M5 Mark II as this offered the smallest package without compromising on major benefits such as weather sealing and image quality. I have been an Olympus user for many years, just not digital – I have a number of Olympus OM film bodies and collection of lens in which I learnt my photographic skills when growing up. So, I was naturally drawn to Olympus as a system when I looked to replace my heavy DSLR and kit.

What are you using now?
Since then I have upgraded to the latest Olympus body – Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III which is slightly heavier but the benefits of Starry Sky focus, in body charging, 7.5 stops of image stabilisation and internal live ND filters all make a big difference. So much so, I’ve basically ditched using a tripod from my kit list!

What lenses do you use?
To match the weather sealing of the Olympus bodies and ensure they are mountainproof, I initially opted for the Pro line up: M.Zuiko 12-40mm f/2.8 Pro, and 40-150mm f/2.8 Pro lenses. I then moved on to the 12-100mm f/4 Pro and 7-14mm f/2.8 Pro. So my entire camera system – a body plus two lenses (14-200mm equivalent) – weighs a little over 1.2kg, which simply cannot be matched by a full-frame set up.


Matt is also active on Instagram  and Facebook

Further reading
Why these top pros are sticking with Olympus