Every week we take a look at some of the top press photos of the week as captured by Press Association photographers around the world.
This week, the selection includes the impact of ex-Hurricane Ophelia and the turning Autumn weather.

Credit: Ben Birchall/PA Wire/PA Images
This photo shows a woman walking past waves crashing on the sea wall in Penzanze, Cornwall. Hurricane Ophelia hit the UK and Ireland this week with gusts of up to 80mph.

Credit: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire/PA Images
Queen Elizabeth II was pictured in Hyde Park in London to mark the 70th anniversary of the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery on October 19, 2017.

Credit: Danny Lawson/PA Wire/PA Images
Some of the best top press photos are images of other people’s work. Here, two Yorkshire Sculpture Park employees are silhouetted against a work titled Shadows (2014) by artist Alfredo Jaar at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

Credit: Skanda Gautam/Zuma Press/PA Images
This photo shows Sadhus or Holy men taking rest inside the Unesco heritage site, Pashupathinath temple, in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Credit: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire/PA Images
This week the sky around the UK took on an orange hue after sahara dust was blown in with ex-Hurricane Ophelia. Here, a plane flies past the Shard in central London.
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Credit: Martin Schutt/DPA/PA Images
This stunning photo captures the sunrise above the Wachsenburg castle near Muehlberg in Germany on October 20, 2017.

Credit: Jane Barlow/PA Wire/PA Images
This photo shows three violins which have been made in commemoration of the war poets who met at the Baberton Golf Club in Edinburgh in 1917. The trio are to be played together for the first time. From left to right, violin-maker Steve Burnett holds the Siegfried Sassoon violin, historian Neil McLennan, holds the Robert Graves violin and fiddle player Thoren Ferguson holds the Wilfred Owen violin.

Credit: Joe Giddens/PA Wire/PA Images
Autumn weather is still being showcased in our top press photos with this landscape shot of a couple walking amongst fallen leaves at Anglesey Abbey, near Cambridge.