Welcome to Smartphone Picture of the Week! Each week, we select and share the best of your smartphone photography in an online feature here on our website, and on our social media.
Mick Yates
This week’s smartphone photograph is by Mick Yates, using an iPhone 13 Pro Max.

“My wife Ingrid and I live in the UK, and are in the Netherlands to attend the funeral of Ingrid’s mother. We are staying at our usual hotel in Vught, and I have been taking a series of early morning photographs. Whilst most mornings have had lovely sunrises, yesterday was misty, and the view from the room was quite magical.
I used an iPhone 13 Pro Max, and am very impressed with the camera system. The photograph was taken using the Adobe Lightroom app, in pro (manual) mode), and then converted to black and white in Lightroom on my MacBook.”
Mick’s main photography site is www.mickyatesphotography.com
Instagram : @mickyates
Blog: www.yatesweb.com
About Mick:
Mick Yates has been a photographer all of his life. He believes that life is always in motion, every moment creates a sense of place or personality. Having travelled and worked all over the world, his photography is informed by the view that we are more the same than we are different – yet differences reveal stories. Details matter.
After decades in global business, working on 6 continents, Mick is now focused on documentary photography. This includes a major book and exhibition project called Cambodia ‘Unfinished Stories: From Genocide to Hope’ which told the personal stories for the first time of Cambodian friends who survived the Genocide.
Mick has published photo books, and been both an exhibitor and a curator. in 2022, he is a co-founder of a new festival of photography for the South west of them UK, Photo|Frome.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society (FRPS), and has an MA in Photography (Falmouth University). He also holds an MSc in Consulting and Coaching for Change (HEC/Oxford).
Currently, Mick and Ingrid live in Corsley, near Frome. Mick is a Visiting Professor at the University of Leeds, Interdisciplinary Ethics Applied, working on both photographic ethics and data privacy.
Want the chance to be featured here on our website, e-newsletter and across our social media? All you have to do is share your photographs taken on a smartphone on social media tagging #APSmartphonePicoftheWeek. You can also send in photographs to ap.ed@kelsey.co.uk with “Smartphone Pic of the Week” in the subject line.
Read our smartphone reviews here: Smartphone Reviews
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