Welcome to AP’s Smartphone Picture of the Week, where we will be selecting and sharing our favourite smartphone photograph shared with us online.
Dan Evans Jr
This week’s photograph is by Dan Evans Jr from Seattle, Washington US using iPhone 11 Pro Max.

“Not long ago I helped my daughter and her cat Olaf move from Seattle to Los Angeles. After moving boxes, I decided to “rest” on the floor for a bit. Olaf was just to my right striking a pose with some great shadows and light. As “they” say, the best camera is the one that’s with you. My Nikon D850 was across the room, so I took my iPhone 11 Pro Max from my pocket and snapped a couple shots before he ran off.”
Dan first started taking photos in high school with an Olympus OM-1 and made use of the school’s darkroom. He says “despite loving photography, I put my camera away for many years as life got busier (school, work, family, kids) until consumer DSLRs started to appear in early 2000’s.
I’d owned a couple digital point and shoot cameras to take kid photos, but unless they were not moving the outcome was disappointing. The consumer DSLRs really got me back into photography for which I am grateful. Since then I’ve shot primarily with Nikon gear and am currently using the D850. I try not to limit myself to any one type of photography, color, B&W, landscape, street, macro, I’m a fan of each as one might note on my website. However, If you forced me to choose I’d shoot B&W all day long.”
A photograph taken by Dan on his OM-1 on Kodachrome 64 film near the town of Ide in Devon, England was also named 1st Place-US from over 45,000 entries in the 2010 Costco International Photo Contest.
Instagram – @dan.evans.jr.photos
Twitter – @danevansjr
Want the chance to be featured here on our website and across our social media? All you have to do is share your photographs taken on a smartphone on social media tagging #APSmartphonePicoftheWeek. You can also send in photographs to ap.ed@kelsey.co.uk with “Smartphone Pic of the Week” in the subject line.
Further reading