Welcome to this week’s Smartphone Picture of the Week, our online feature showcasing the best of your smartphone photography. Each week, we select and share favourite smartphone photograph taken by our online followers.
Fleur Schim
This week’s photograph is by Fleur Schim, using an iPhone 12 Pro Max.

“Photography and imagery has allowed me to escape from the overwhelming sensory overload of current events. This creative diversion presents an opportunity to not think about anything other than what is in front of me. I’ve given myself permission to refocus my priorities and be present with what makes me happy.
I carry my iPhone everywhere I walk. There are so many anticipated and unexpected views in the nearby canyon and trails. Early morning scenes of the sun cresting the hills, birds, flowers, decaying trees and plants are often inspiration for later artwork. Clouds remain a favorite capture as I pay attention to my surroundings.
The ocean is my happy place. I love the atmosphere and mood. Arriving at the beach after a prolonged mandated absence was a joyous moment. This shift of my sense of self was uplifting. I felt like my senses were reawakened. The atmospheric qualities of the ocean and beach are evocative. This reawakening has been transformational as a result. My art has become more interesting and emotive.
I love watching surfers and people walking along the shore. I watch and wait until “my actors” are in the best position on this stage. This experience is absolutely captivating. These excursions have improved the quality of my life and enhanced my mood.
Mobile photography and the creative process of imagery allows me to be present. I am being kind to myself by giving myself permission to forget the outside world. This is a time for me to not think about anything other than what is in front of me. This mindful process is a creative retreat. I get out of my head, and get myself outdoors and into inspirational and transformative scenes.
I have found that through sharing my artistic passion, moments such as this, can also bring people together and inspire creativity. We are creating something positive from the ruins of isolation. These new creative alignments are restorative. I’m enjoying my creative process more and pushing myself with greater expressive style.”
Find Fleur on social media:
Instagram: @fleurschim
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/169227457@N08
Facebook: Fleur Schim
Want the chance to be featured here on our website and across our social media? All you have to do is share your photographs taken on a smartphone on social media tagging #APSmartphonePicoftheWeek. You can also send in photographs to ap.ed@kelsey.co.uk with “Smartphone Pic of the Week” in the subject line.
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