Welcome to this week’s Smartphone Picture of the Week, our online feature showcasing the best of your smartphone photography. Each week, we select and share favourite smartphone photograph taken by our online followers.
Kai Seminuk
This week’s photograph is by Kai Seminuk, using a Samsung S21 Ultra.

“I took this picture in Sussex County, New Jersey, USA . I wanted to actually get the picture of sunset with the sunflowers in foreground but it was late in the season and they were all pointing down as they had got too heavy. So I set up my tripod and took pictures of the wildflowers with my Nikon D850 and decided to snap a picture with my phone and that is what I had captured. I did edit it with Lightroom mobile but it was indeed captured with my Samsung S21 Ultra.
I had gotten into photography shortly after my father passed to keep my mind off of things. Slowly I improved, I force myself to shoot in manual mode so I have to think about the shot instead of the camera doing it for me. Now 8 years later I believe I am a little better. Although many submissions to different photography groups, just never yielded any response until today.
I took this picture because I love landscape photography! I love the colors and different compositions as they remind me of what beauty is around me that often people just walk past and forget about on their daily grind. It keeps me humble.”
You can find Kai on social media:
Facebook: Kaisphuckaroundphotos
Instagram: @kais0201
Website: https://kaiseminuk.picfair.com
Want the chance to be featured here on our website and across our social media? All you have to do is share your photographs taken on a smartphone on social media tagging #APSmartphonePicoftheWeek. You can also send in photographs to ap.ed@kelsey.co.uk with “Smartphone Pic of the Week” in the subject line.
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