Photo credit: © Vivian Maier / Maloof collection
Fans will get a second chance to see Finding Vivian Maier when it is released on DVD in the UK next month.
The 84-minute movie is billed as the ‘critically acclaimed documentary about a mysterious nanny who secretly took more than 100,000 photographs, which were discovered by chance in storage lockers decades later’.
The film is co-directed by John Maloof, a photographer, historian and chief curator of Vivian Maier’s work.
‘Following the discovery [after her death in 2009] Vivian’s works have ushered her into the pantheon of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century,’ says the film’s distributor Soda Pictures.
‘Maier’s strange and riveting life and art are revealed through never-before-seen pictures, films and interviews with dozens who thought they knew her.’
Finding Vivian Maier is due to go on sale on 10 November, priced £17.99.
Bonus features include 8mm footage by Vivian Maier and a limited-edition postcard set
A Blu-ray version will cost £21.99.
The DVD will be available through the Soda Pictures website

All photo credits: © Vivian Maier / Maloof collection
A trailer for the film that appeared in cinemas over the summer: