‘The moving Polaroid photos capture one-second moments that magically come to life when you touch them or swing your phone,’ Polaroid said in a statement.
‘They combine the compositional quality of a still photograph with the vitality of a world that’s always in motion.’
The iconic photography brand added: ‘Polaroid Swing app aims to make available a new medium of expression for those with an artistic interest in the world around them.
‘Polaroid Swing moving photos faithfully capture moments as we see them – the crash of the wave, hair blowing in the wind, the blink of an eye.’

Polaroid says the photos can be easily shared on the Polaroid Swing platform, and via Facebook and Twitter.
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone described the new app as a ‘genre-defining medium’ with ‘the potential to change the way we think about images, just like Twitter’s 140 characters changed how we think about words’.
Stone, who chaired the start-up company that developed the app, claimed: ‘People start seeing the world in one–second moments.’
Tommy Stadlen, co-founder of Swing, said: ‘Human beings see the world in short moments, not in stills or videos.
‘Memories move, and now photos do too. The product combines Polaroid’s iconic heritage with cutting edge innovation.’
To download visit the Apple App Store