[Photo credit: © Hardik Gaurav/Photocrowd.com]
Hundreds of thousands of people voted for their favourite images in the contest, which carried the theme ‘Ageing: the bigger picture’.
Entrants were challenged to ‘look beyond the clichés and show a more nuanced approach to the subject’.
The competition was organised by online photography community Photocrowd.com and the British Society of Gerontology (BSG).
The winners were named as Karoline Hjorth & Riitta Ikonen, who came top in the Expert category, and Hardik Gaurav, who triumphed in the crowd section.
[Photo credit: © Karoline Hjorth & Riitta Ikonen/Photocrowd.com]
BSG president Professor Sheila Peace, said: ‘This has been an exciting venture, bringing to our attention the beauty, experience and intergenerational dimensions of global ageing. Our congratulations to the winners, whom we hope have inspired us all to go on capturing those images that show the value and diversity of our world as we grow older.
‘To have over 1,200 photos to consider and to generate more than 200,000 votes is tremendous.
‘Let’s keep being inclusive in embracing these images of ageing.’
For details of other Photocrowd projects, visit the Photocrowd website.
[Photo credit: © Leon/Photocrowd.com]
[Photo credit:© Joydeep Mukherjee/Photocrowd.com]
[Photo credit: © Alex Rotas /Photocrowd.com]