If you’ve got access to a darkroom, then here’s something fun to try! You can make prints from your smartphone using a regular enlarger. So feel free to watch the video below on how to make prints from your smartphone.
There are several steps to follow:
- Take a photo or find a photo on your smartphone
- Use editing software to invert the photo, to create a negative
- Place the smartphone in the enlarger (ensure the phone screen will not switch off)
- Focus the image
- Use a test strip to work out the correct exposure, using something to block the light
- Develop the test strip so you can work out the exposure
- Develop the image as you normally would when you have the correct exposure
Mr Stansfield uses a Beselar 23c enlarger, and shows you the whole process so you can follow along, and see how the photo is created.
You can watch more of Mr. Stansfield’s Education Videos on his YouTube Channel.
You’ll also find lots of great videos on the Amateur Photographer YouTube Channel.