Obelia Hydroid by Teresa Zgoda
The competition is organised by The Royal Photographic Society (RPS) and supported by Siemens as part of the Curiosity Project, a three-year programme aimed to engage young people’s interest in Science and Engineering.
The judges are looking for visually appealing entries that tell a story based on the photographer’s portrayal of science and how it impacts upon our everyday lives.
The competition is open to everyone, regardless of whether you are an RPS member or not. Age and experience is also irrelevant. “We want as many people as possible to enter this competition – school or college students, scientists, photojournalists, artists – everyone!” says Gary Evans, the RPS coordinator. “Entrants can have fancy equipment or use a smartphone, it doesn’t matter. The important point is to capture your view of science in a way that tells a story to the average person.”
An expert panel will choose 100 entries to form an exhibition, which will tour around the UK, including visits to several major science festivals. The top 100 will be announced at an Awards Ceremony in September 2017.
Entry and Awards
There are five awards across three age categories: Age 17 & Under (Gold), Age 18-25 (Gold) and Age 26 & Over (Gold, Silver and Bronze). Award winners will receive an RPS medal as well as a share of a total prize fund of £3500.
The competition is free to enter, simply register and upload your images online at www.rps-science.org, closing date is midnight on 30th April 2017.
Below you can see some of the entries from the 2016 competition.

Swarms of Chrysaora Fuscescens by Jessica Chatburn

Camp Stove Heat Plume by Phred Petersen

Warrior of the Grasslan by Anup Deodhar

Bridge to Infinity by Alex Class