A new app called OWC Copy That enables you to copy photos and videos from your iPhone / iPad directly to external storage devices. The process involves connecting your iPhone or iPad to an external drive and selecting the media type, eg a JPEG image. Then click the “Copy That” button – very simple.
OWC Copy That includes smart copy functions that streamline the copy process. You can exclude screenshots and selfies and decide what you want to do with existing files. The app works with with iOS and iPadOS.

OWC Copy That is available now for free in the App Store. “At launch In-app, purchases will be discounted for a limited time priced at $.99 and will move to $2.99,” the company explained. “The special price is valid through the end of the year. In-app purchases will include Verified Copy, a more secure way to copy, verify copies of data by comparing to originals and Delete From Device, the ability to delete items from the iPhone or iPad.”