The Italian tripod maker has launched its first ‘all-in-one’ carry system for quadcopters such as DJI’s Phantom 3. The Manfrotto D1 Drone Backpack, part of the Manfrotto Aviator collection, also has room for a DSLR, a laptop and a tripod. The drone propellers sit outside the bag, which houses the drone camera inside. ‘Perfect for quickly changing location, the drone safely attaches onto the outside of the pack by simply opening the front zip, making it very easy to quickly get out or put away when necessary,’ claims Manfrotto. The D1 Drone Backback costs £159.95. For details visit
Press release
November 20 2015
Manfrotto, world leader in the photography, imaging equipment and accessories industry, announces the new D1 DRONE BACKPACK, the first all-in-one carry system in a brand-new range of products designed to carry quadcopters like the DJI Phantom 3 and its remote controls as well as a DSLR camera, laptop and tripod. It is engineered to offer maximum protection, comfort and lightness: key features of all Manfrotto Bags.
Part of the Aviator Collection, the Drone backpack is dedicated to professional and advanced photographers and videographers looking for an excellent solution to carry their flying cameras, mount them quickly and change location fast.
This backpack safely carries a quadcopter with its remote control and all its accessories as well as a camera and a tripod. A single bag that is the perfect tool for shooting videos with drones but also for capturing backstage scenes with a tripod-mounted camera.
Perfect for quickly changing location, the drone safely attaches onto the outside of the pack by simply opening the front zip, making it very easy to quickly get out or put away when necessary. The camera stays safely inside and the propellers fit outside the bag. The backpack also features an internal laptop and media compartment, enabling users to organise their work and share it right away.
With the new All-in-One DRONE BACKPACK BY MANFROTTO, you can rely on an efficient backstage at hand wherever you go!
The Drone Backpack is available at £159.95.
For more information, please visit