July 9, 2024
iPhone 16 series: what I want to see for photographers
It’s almost time for everybody to throw their iPhone 15s away – but what do we want for the iPhone 16 Pro Max? Amy Davies creates her wishlist…
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Read the latest opinions from photographers, journalists, and those in the industry. If you’ve got an opinion to share, get in touch.
July 9, 2024
It’s almost time for everybody to throw their iPhone 15s away – but what do we want for the iPhone 16 Pro Max? Amy Davies creates her wishlist…
July 7, 2024
Why is the flagship iPhone 15 Pro Max so bad for selfies - especially in low light? It's time for Apple to step it up, says Amy Davies
June 30, 2024
Nigel Atherton argues that the ever-declining user experience of Facebook and Instagram will be the death of them. Or at least it should be.
June 28, 2024
Meta started rolling out Made with AI labels in May, Jessica Miller shares what this means for photographers
June 9, 2024
Why do we get so much from photography when few of us achieve fame or fortune from our images?
June 9, 2024
Isabella Ruffatti explains why the Vivo V30 is better than the Google Pixel 7a and why she chose it to organise her photos and videos.
June 5, 2024
The bigger the sensor the better the quality; that much is true, but chasing sensor size above all else comes at a cost
June 4, 2024
With the Travel Photographer of the Year contest now open for entries, Geoff Harris considers the challenges now facing fans of this genre
May 27, 2024
The new Panasonic S9 is designed mainly for creating videos for social media. It’s just dressed up to look like something different.
May 26, 2024
Taking the leap from an old crop-sensor DSLR to the mirrorless, full-frame Nikon Z7 II Alíz Kovács-Zöldi shares her experience of switching to mirrorless
A celebration of outdoor photography bringing together world-class experts who will share their knowledge and passion through a range of educational talks, presentations, workshops, and interactive activities.
Each day will be packed with inspiring sessions, covering a wide range of expertise and interests.
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