Powerboat racing is a growing sport in the UK. With this fast and furious racing taking place just a short distance from the shore, it can make for a series of dramatic images.
As well as offshore racing, such as the Powerboat P1 SuperStock Championship – the latest round of which takes place in Cardiff on 26-27 July – there is also circuit racing on lakes and inland water, while jetsport racing takes place on both inland water and open sea.
Powerboat racing UK Venues and dates:
Gosport – 11 July 2015
Hull – 8 August 2015
Cardiff – 30 August 2015
Bournemouth – 12 September 2015
Guide to taking great powerboat racing photos
- You’ll need a fast shutter speed and a decent burst mode to capture the action. Try to time your shot when the boat is out of the water, so the wave breaks further back along the hull of the boat.
- Whether shooting inland or open-water racing, you’re likely to be shooting from the shore, so a long lens is a must. If you struggle to keep up with the action, try pre-focusing on a point.
- With light reflecting off both the water and boat, your camera’s meter can be easily fooled, so you may prefer to manually expose for the shot, especially if you’re shooting into the sun.
- Think about composition, and pay attention to the horizon. Make sure you’ve got it bang on level (this can be corrected later) or try a more pronounced angle when you frame up to add drama.
- If you take any great shots, make sure you share them with us the Amateur Photographer Facebook page or Twitter account @ap_magazine, and we’ll share the best ones with our followers.