One of the most popular ways of getting your work online is to start a photography blog. Blogging isn’t difficult, but does require a greater commitment than simply uploading your images. For instance, you will have to promote it to encourage people to visit.
A blog is a basic website that will allow you to upload your own images and text and put them in a pre-defined template.
Each time you upload some words and images, they are shown as a post. Many photographers use blogs as an online diary with posts usually shown in chronological order. Unlike Flickr, it is the owner of the blog who provides all of the content.
However, it is usually possible to allow readers to comment under a blog post, and you will be able to approve all comments.
Finding a niche
When setting up a photography blog, try thinking of an area to specialise in. If you focus on a particular specialism, such as black & white, be clear about it and you will attract like-minded photographers.
Getting started
There are many different websites available that will allow you to set up a free photography blog, but one of the most popular is This provides a number of templates for you to change the look and feel of your blog, as well as allowing you to add features, such as gallery pages or linking to a Flickr account.
Writing a post
A post can be as simple as uploading an image and writing a caption. However, a blog allows you to go in to much greater detail. You could explain exactly how the image was taken, or include a map of the location, or even a set-up shot.
Many people start photography blogs when travelling, updating it each day or so with a few new images, and a tale of what they have been up to.
Of course, your blog might be more about equipment, so you could write about and take photos of a classic camera you have recently unearthed, and display the pictures you took with it.
Attracting visitors
Most free blog websites have a list of blogs in different categories, so those looking for regular blog posts on different subjects can find new content quickly.
Placing your photography blog in the correct category is the first thing you can do to attract visitors. If you wish your subsequent readers to leave comments try to engage with them and encourage them to contribute. Even a simple line like ‘I look forward to hearing any thoughts about my image’ will do.
Promote your blog where you can. If you are active on a photography forum, such as the AP Forums, then post a link and a summary of your blog in the appropriate place – Web Sites of Interest, for example. Of course, you could email friends and family and ask them to also pass the address on. And don’t forget Facebook.

Setting up a blog does take a little more time, but the process of creating blog posts is fairly straightforward
Top tips for creating a photogrpahy blog
- Find a specific area of interest, and clearly advertise what it is. Doing so will help attract regular and like-minded readers to your blog
- Keep it up to date. Uploading pictures and words once or twice a week will keep your blog looking active, and quickly build up a good archive
- Keep it simple. Choose a simple layout that will let your images be the focus of attention
- Be selective about the images you upload only pick your very best images
- Actively promote your blog