



Results for Henri Cartier-Bresson

  1. Top tips for striking street photography

    Time to get out and capture striking street scenes. Paramedic Chris Porsz, author of four street photography books, shares his top tips

  2. Photography rules worth breaking

    Rules help us take better pictures, but blind devotion can result in clichéd pictures. James Paterson suggests a few ways to break free

  3. Photography saved my life: Photography as therapy

    Geoff Harris talks to both photographers and therapists to see how image-making can help with mental health issues

  4. Viral photography project captures people matching artworks

    Stefan Draschan's People Matching Artworks photography project finds people with similar clothes, hair or an obvious resemblance to great works of art

  5. Fighting for rights: Steve Schapiro

    In his 55-year career, Steve Schapiro has witnessed many key events in modern US history, and made some of the most enduring images of the civil rights movement. Steve Fairclough finds out more

  6. What makes great street photography?

    David Gibson, one of Britain’s best-known street shooters, talks to David Clark about the ethics, practicalities, frustrations and joys of street photography

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