January 21, 2008
Pete Doherty escapes paparazzi assault charge
Rock star Pete Doherty has escaped being charged with assault but has received a caution for criminal damage after clashing with a photographer last year.
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January 21, 2008
Rock star Pete Doherty has escaped being charged with assault but has received a caution for criminal damage after clashing with a photographer last year.
January 18, 2008
The great and the good of the photographic industry descended on central London yesterday for the annual Amateur Photographer (AP) Awards. Picture: AP forum member David Steel – aka Lounge Lizard (left) – presents the…
A celebration of outdoor photography bringing together world-class experts who will share their knowledge and passion through a range of educational talks, presentations, workshops, and interactive activities.
Each day will be packed with inspiring sessions, covering a wide range of expertise and interests.
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